We were all rescuers that day and now I had friends for life. The boat saw the bright light coming from the cliff and turned left. I squinted and realised that everyone in town had gathered out the front of the lighthouse. I promptly ran down the stairs and opened the door. Out of the blue, I could see a marvellous, giant ball of bright light coming towards me. I was so frustrated that sweat poured down my face and beaded around my forehead like a thousand raindrops. Suddenly my fingers went weak and sweaty. As I fiddled with the fragile bolts around the bulb, I started to take the glass bulb out of the socket.

I had butterflies circling around in my stomach.

I smelt the smell of smoke and peered through the glass. I grabbed my toolbox and flung it over my shoulder. I promptly ran up the stair, like someone was chasing me with a knife. The light from my candle went out and the lighthouse stopped. The young lighthouse keeper, small yet unafraid, ran to the highest floor of the only tower, where the rusty old beacon waited. Then across the town, there was a sudden hush. DecemDecemCategories Short fiction Childrens Literature, Childrens Stories, Fantasy, Fiction, Lighthouse, Short fiction, Short story Leave a Comment on The Lighthouse Keepers.

Everyone said, “Oh, look, it’s the unbearable lighthouse keeper.” I was so frustrated, I muttered under my breath, as I shut the door with a loud ‘SLAM!’ I heard everyone cheering and celebrating the end of the fishing season and the success of the town’s local fishermen. While I was sitting in my chair, the window slammed open. Writing Write a newspaper story of the event Include interviews with lighthousekeeper, villagers and men from the boat. It was an ordinary night, just like any other.