Press button on sync box for 3 sec, LED is white, flashes green once when linked successfully. Enter password (no copy/paste possible). Select your WIFI network and make sure this is the same your bridge is connected to. Connect to the Hue Sync Box via Bluetooth. Accept Terms and Conditions in the app. Make sure Bluetooth is on your mobile device is turned on. The LED will start blinking blue, confirm in the app that this is the case. Power on your Hue Sync Box by connecting it to the power adaptor, using the cable that is in the box. Connect your HDMI devices (PS5, games console, Chromecast) to your Hue Sync Box. Connect your Hue Sync Box to your TV with the HDMI cable that is in the box. If you haven’t already set up your Hue bridge and lights, and install the Hue app on your phone. Here are step-by-step instructions on setting up the Philips Hue Play HDMI Sync Box. Hue Sync app for your iPhone, iPad, or Android device (This is different to the main Hue App). Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz, during setup active internet connection needed). High speed HDMI cable (1 already included with the Sync Box). 1 or more HDMI output devices (game consoles, Chromecast, set top box).
Display/TV/projector for watching content, needs to have HDMI input.
An entertainment area (created in the Philips Hue main app).1 or more color capable Philips Hue lights.To use the Hue Sync box and set it up with your Hue network you need: Make your gaming and movies even more immersive with light, adding depth and additional light source to help bring the on screen action into your room.